Legal Notice

Identifying details

In compliance with the duty of information contained in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following are reflected:

1. You are visiting the website owned by FAIN ASCENSORES S.A., with registered office at C/DR. Esquerdo 57 (28007) MADRID, with Tax ID number A28303485, and registered in the Commercial Registry Of Madrid, Volume 2,923 General 2,238, Section 3 of companies, folio 121, sheet 20,464, entry 1a, hereinafter, the OWNER.

You can contact the OWNER by any of the following means:

Telephone: +34 914093101

Contact email: [email protected]

Web hosting company

Interoute Iberia S.A.U
Lezama, 4
Teléfono: +34 91 515 9680
[email protected]


2. The purpose of these terms and conditions (hereinafter, Legal Notice) is to regulate the use of the OWNER’s website, which is made available to the public.

Access to and/or use of this website attributes the status of USER and implies acceptance, with said access or use, of the General Terms and Conditions of Use contained herein. These conditions shall apply regardless of the mandatory General Terms and Conditions of Contract, where applicable.

Use of the website

3. provides access to a wide range of information, services, programmes and data (hereinafter, ”the content”) on the internet which is property of the OWNER or its licensers, to which the USER may have access.

The user accepts responsibility for the use of the website. This liability is extended to the registration which is required to access certain services or content. When registering, the USER is responsible for providing truthful and legitimate information. After registering, the USER may be provided with a password. The USER is responsible for this password and undertakes to use it diligently and confidentially.

The USER agrees to the appropriate use of content and services (for example, chat services, discussion forums or news groups) that the OWNER offers via its website including, but not limited to, not using them to:

• Carry out any activity which is unlawful, illicit or contrary to good faith and public safety

• Disseminate content or propaganda of a nature that is racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal, or which supports terrorism or the violation of human rights

• Cause damages to the physical and logical systems of FAIN ASCENSORES S.A., its suppliers or third parties, introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical system capable of causing the previously mentioned damages to the Internet

• Try to access and, if applicable, use other USERS’ e-mail accounts and modify or manipulate their messages

• Use the website or the information contained therein for commercial, political, advertising and for any commercial use, especially in the sending of unsolicited emails

• The OWNER reserves the right to remove any and all comments and contributions which are considered an infringement on human rights whether they are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, harmful to young people, children, public order or safety, or, in the OWNER’s opinion, are not appropriate for publication In any case, the OWNER will not be held liable for any user opinions expressed in forums, chats or in any other tools meant for user participation.

Data protection

4. Everything related to the data protection policy is included in the Privacy policy document

Content. Intellectual and industrial property

5. The OWNER is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as the contents therein (for example, images, sound, audio, videos, software or texts; brands or logotypes, colour combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programmes necessary for site functioning, access and use, etc.), which are property of the OWNER or its licensers.

All rights reserved. Pursuant to that which is established in Articles 8 and 32.1, paragraph two, of the Law on Intellectual Property, any reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the system for making this available, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, using any medium and any technical means, is strictly forbidden without the consent of the OWNER.

Guarantee and liability disclaimer

6. The USER acknowledges that the use of the website and its contents and services is carried out under its sole responsibility. Specifically, merely by way of example, the OWNER assumes no liability in the following areas:

a) The availability of the functioning of the website, its services and contents and its quality or interoperability

b) The purpose for which the website serves the objectives of the USER

c) The infringement of the current legislation by the USER or third parties and, in particular, of the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by other persons or entities

d) The existence of malicious codes or any other harmful computer element that could cause the computer system of the USER or third parties. It is up to the USER, in any case, to have adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of these elements

e) Fraudulent access to the contents or services by unauthorised third parties, or, where appropriate, the capture, elimination, alteration, modification or manipulation of the messages and communications of any kind that said third parties could perform

f) The accuracy, veracity, timeliness and usefulness of the contents and services offered and the subsequent use of them by the USER. The OWNER shall use all reasonable efforts and means to provide up-to-date and reliable information

g) Damage to computer equipment during access to the website and damage caused to USERS when they originate from failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks that interrupt the service

h) Damages arising from circumstances caused by unforeseeable circumstances or overwhelming force

If there are forums, the use of the same or similar spaces, it must be taken into account that the messages reflect only the opinion of the USER that sends them, which is the sole responsible. The OWNER is not liable for the content of the messages sent by the USER.

7. The OWNER reserves the right to carry out without prior notice the modifications it deems appropriate in its portal, being able to change, delete or add as many contents and services that are provided through it, as the way in which they appear represented or located in its portal.

The present terms and conditions will be valid until the publication of new conditions that modify them.

In the event that provides links or hyperlinks to other internet sites, the OWNER will not have any kind of control over said sites or contents Under no circumstances shall the OWNER assume any responsibility for the contents of any link belonging to an outside website, nor shall it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, scope, truthfulness, validity or constitutionality of any material or information contained in any such hyperlinks or other internet sites. Likewise, providing these external links on the website shall not imply any kind of association, merger or participation with the linked entities.

Rights of exclusion

9. The OWNER reserves the right to refuse or withdraw access to its website and/or the services offered with no need for any prior notice, at its own request or at that of a third party, to any users who do not comply with the General Conditions and Terms herein.


10. The OWNER shall pursue any non-compliance of the conditions herein as well as any improper use of its website by taking any civil or criminal action where it may be lawfully entitled.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

11. The relationship between the OWNER and the USER will be governed by the current Spanish regulations. All disputes and claims arising from this legal notice will be resolved by Spanish courts and tribunals.


12. directs its services to users over 18 years of age Children under this age are not authorised to use our services and should not, therefore, send us their personal information. We inform that if such a circumstance occurs, FAIN ASCENSORES S.A. is not responsible for the possible consequences that may arise from the breach of the notice that in this same clause is established.